Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin or John Cena who is the most important wrestler in history?

I'll make a case for each.

Hulk Hogan: the most recognizable wrestler in history. Would the WWE have become as popular in the 80's without him? Would the WWE still be around today? Not only that, but he revolutionized wrestling by forming the nWo and taking WCW to new heights. Is he the most important wrestler in history?

Steve Austin: Without Austin, would the WWE had survived when WCW was breathing down their necks? Although the nWo opened the door in the mid 90's it was Austin who kicked it in, breaking merchandise sales records for wrestling (unsurpassed by either Hogan or Cena) worldwide while ushering in the Attitude Era.

John Cena: the biggest merchandise mover today. Love him or hate him without him the WWE might really be struggling to get any main stream exposure. Every time he wrestles the crowd reaction is undeniable. In time he will only become bigger and when his career is over ( he is only 30 so he may have decades to go!) will he go down as the best ever?|||Hogan, he too Wrestling out of the dingy unlit theatres, full of men smoking and drinking and baying for blood and made it entertaining.

Cena is a footnote, will never be more.|||I think that Hulk hogan is the best ever for defeting andre the giant

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|||Hulk Hogan

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|||why is Cena in the list??????

anyway i think it's the ROCK!

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|||hulk hogan by far. like you said if it wasnt for him, there would be no WWE today. stone cold was important as most people only used to watch it to see him. cena isnt important at all, he is just an overrated hack.|||I think John Cena has managed to "bag in" a lot of fans for WWE, but Hulk Hogan started all t his revolution. Steve Austin is one of the most beloved wrestlers, but we still have guys like Shawn Micheals and Ric Flair who have done their share of events that have been super huge. And I heard that Cena is retiring in a COUPLE of years, so I don't think he'll be around that much.... He's a great guy.......|||Hogan back in the mid 80's was Vince McMahons guy to put the then WWF over the top on national tv. Hogan beat the Iron Shiek on ABC %26amp; then wrestling went over the top.

Next would be Ric Flair he was the biggest down south until WCW became national. He still is the best talker %26amp; wrestler ever.|||What about Ric Flair? His contribution to the wrestling world is pretty big for whatever that's worth.|||I would have to say none of the above. I would have to rank the Undertaker as the best ever although my husband would not agree because he loves Hogan, but 15-0 at WM speaks monstrous numbers.|||good points.

But Hogan is the winner.

to build a great company you need a great foundation and Hulk gave that foundation.|||Hulk Hogan paved the way for the both of them.|||Hogan was the original big name and cross over guy in wrestling. Flair was a big deal and so were Brett Hart and Shawn Michaels and so on but the first BIG star was the Hulkster as he bought Pro Wrestling to a national stage. Austin and Cena are good in their eras but they wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for Hogan.|||Out of that list, Hogan. You are deluding yourself with the Cena comments, mate. Yes, the negative reaction is indeed undeniable. Wrestling in general is nothing today compared to what it was during the Hogan and Austin eras.

"There's a difference between wrestling and WWE".

Agreed. There's no-one in American wrestling more influential than Gorgeous George.|||Macho Man is the most important|||DONT NOT even mention the loser cena in the same breath as Hogan, and Austin....and HOW IN THE HECK can you leave Ric Flair off your list!! Cena SUCKS just goes to show you how lame the majority of wrestling fans are today for accepting such a terribla shows you how crappy the stuff the WWE is putting out today!!|||I love all those you named. But if you want real answer and not one just off the top of the head. The answer is none of them. The ones who are the most important are the ones who came before i.e. Bruiser Brody, The Von Erics, Johnny Valentine, Andre, Dick the Bruiser, William Muldoon, Walter Palmer, Bobo Brazil and Bruno Samartino among many others. They are the most important because if it were not for them there would be no wrestling history.|||Steve austin|||Hogan no doubt. In the 80s he made wrestling entertaining to watch.|||Well...of course most people are going to say Hulk Hogan.I'm going to have to say Hogan too.|||why the hell is john cena eve in this list

i like cena and all but he's only been in the wwe for 5 years you cant compare him to the others|||Lets see....Were there ever Austinmaniacs ?? ..Hell No !...Are there Cenamaniacs ??..... No..... just a lot of girls who watch Hannah Montana when Cena is not on......Have there been Hulkamaniacs for over 25 years ??...Yes...there are still millions of dedicated fans of the one %26amp; only Hulk Hogan !!|||Hulk Hogan by far. He made wrestling what is today. I would put Ric Flair before Steve Austin, the Rock or Cena. He has been one of the all time greats as well as Steamboat, Lawler,to name a few.|||If you think Stone cold Steve Austin is the most important wrestler of all time give me a HELL YEAH

"HELL YEAH"|||They all deserve to be recognized, but WWE would have never been as popular as it is without Hulk Hogan. He was the guy who was pushed when the WWF first went national, and he stayed on top for many years. People complain that Cena has held the title for too long, but Hogan held it for over 4 years the first time he won it. That shows how hot he was at the time. Since then, no one has even come close to holding the title that long.|||Hogan by far. One reason, charisma. Without him coming onto the scene in the 80's, there would be no interest or cross over interest in the "sport".|||As much I despise Hogan, he's the most important. I know the WWE would not have survived with out Austin but there is other things to consider.

I live in the South and before Hulk Hogan came along nobody down here even cared about the WWF. Some didn't even know it existed. At that time it was all regional wrestling and the NWA and AWA. Hogan put the WWF on the map. With out Hogan there may not have been any Stone Cold to watch.

Just my opinion.|||I have too say Hulk Hogan also!!!! When I used too watch wrestling with my grandma in the 80's if Hulk wasn't there I more than likely would have never watched.|||Not john cena,if you say john cena how abt The rock ?or even Goldberg

hulk hogan ? rick flair ,bret hart ,the final undertaker there all important ....not just only most|||There's a difference between wrestling and WWE. I wouldn't have chosen any of the 3, but if I must pick I'd say Hogan.|||Sting!!!! A guy who doesn't mind putting wrestlers over!!!

Out of your list Steve Austin!!!

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