Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why did a liberal crash his plane into a building in liberal Austin Texas today?

Now do Democrats understand just how destructive they are to our way of life?

Palin was right, Obama and the Dems pal around with terrorists, like the Austin terrorist who likely voted for Obama, fact.|||The Echelon Building in Austin houses an IRS Office, among other things.

I bet a shiny Buffalo Nickel the pilot was a crazed, Tea-Bagger.|||I just want to know how many days will 0bama wait to address this one? Will he be as quick as he was with Ft. Hood (what was that 3 days?) or will he be as quick as he was when his friend Professor Gates was arrested (a few hours)??? Will he give 3 minutes of "shout outs" before he addresses the issue? Or will he say the fire department "acted stupidly".|||If it was indeed a liberal, then obviously, it was a mile-high club initiation gone bad.|||If you hate us so much, how about growing some balls and doing something about it?

We're daring you, chicken.|||Oh, stop. Let's get the facts first, please.|||Where exactly does it say he was a Liberal?|||Yes... give in to your hatred... kill your father.

:/|||Was the plane liberal too?|||No matter what happens, it's all the fault of liberals...got it.

(Rolls eyes)|||It's not dems or repubs or conservs or libs, it's a third party that controls both sides. Did it ever occur to you that Obama is doing just what Bush would have done, if he had continued being the prez? And by dividing and keeping us fighting with political factions like libs and convervs, dems and repubs, they keep us distracted off of them. It's the old SOP of "divide and conquer."|||Liberal? He's probably more of an anarchist, and if anything spent most of his letter ranting about stereotypical teabagger conserns (not to mention that he crashed into an IRS BUILDING, in liberal Austin, and during a democrat presidency that has has caused all kinds of crazy [even violent] right-wing rage).

All the conservitive media has done for a good year is wide-spread doomsaying and fearmongering, and I would bet that he is a product of this .. even if he does not follow all their dogma to a key.|||I think this one truly was some guy who hated the IRS. I don't think it was driven by him being a liberal or conservative, and I don't think he was directed by anyone. This is the problem with having 10 mass shootings in a year, and all of this other crazy stuff that happens. There are a lot of people in this country, and when people see all of these acts of violence, some of them are going to do things like we saw today.

If you read the suicide note, you can tell this is a very complex guy. He didn't seem crazy, but he believed there was some type of conspiracy with the tax code. Personally, I have a decent understanding of the federal tax code, and I have no idea what he was talking about. He felt their was a conspiracy for rich people to hide money through churches, and that churches shouldn't be tax exempt. This country has got some problems, but the tax code being written to help rich people is not one of them. You could argue that some rich people avoid paying taxes through offshore accounts and other means, but with progressive tax rates rich people clearly pay a higher percentage of taxes than everyone else. This guy was just trying to blame his problems on somebody.

He did seem like a Democrat, but this seemed like an attack against the federal government, and specifically the IRS.|||"Austin terrosist who LIKELY voted for Obama, FACT". That's a fact is it? Did you look up his voting record? Maybe he didn't vote at all, or voted for an independent or someone from another party. It may be hard to believe but more people run for president than two. I can't blame you for not knowing that since the others don't have a lot of money you ******* republicans love so goddamn much. I think it's safe to assume you're republican since you are regurgitating something like what someone like Bill O'Reily would say. He mentions some things in his letter that are right, and that the presidents are puppets. This makes leaves me to believe he wasn't democrat or republican but something else. I would say fact, but I actually know what that word means so I'll refrain.

WHat the **** is wrong with all everyone? Liberal this and conservative that. You sound like a bunch of 12 year old, girly, Twilight fans.

The dude never said he as a democrat. He never said he was a liberal, which believe it or not, are not the same thing. He could have been a republican for all we know, he was afterall, a business man. He didn't say and his anger was directed at problems he had from personal experience.

Get over yourselves, not everything is so goddamn black and white. I understand that when Bush was in office, everyone jumped all over republican conservatives cases about everything. Now the same is happening on the opposite, it never ends. Democrats are more likely to be liberal, but geez I'm sick of everyone throwing that term around without even knowing the definition of a liberal. You look ignorant and all you who respond in agreement sound like sheep. Baaaah mother *******.|||Stop putting this man and this incident into categories. Just take it as a severely misled man who made a horrible decision and put lives in limbo as a result. Horrible incident, Horrible man -nothing more,nothing less

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